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Blake Cannon

O: 662-371-1000 M: (662) 380-7144

Email: | Cell: 662-380-7144 | Office: 662-371-1000

Thank you for taking the time to read my bio. Let me know how I can help you!

To keep the story short:

I was raised by very service-oriented parents who were always involved in their community. I’d like to say that they rubbed off on me. I grew up in Olive Branch, Mississippi where the Real Estate Market was in full stride. In fact, Olive Branch, was said to be the fastest growing city in the United States from 1990-2010 with 838% growth!

As you could imagine, you would find a Realtor every time you turned your head. The more people that moved into the area, the more agents that jumped into the industry.

I was around some very influential Realtors growing up. After a few years of being around this frenzy while I was in high school, I knew this could be a great career for me. At 16 I walked into a Crye-Leike brokerage and told the broke r I was ready to get started. The broker was kind enough to talk with me about the profession and also let me down easy, telling me I was two years too young to be a Realtor! A Realtor is required to be 18.

As I’m sure you know, real estate is such a service oriented profession. I pride myself in both serving and educating my clients with the goal that they will be provided with more insight and confidence than before we met.

After graduating with a Marketing Degree from Ole Miss in December of 2006, I started my career the very next month. Since starting real estate in January 2007 I’ve closed over 250 Million Dollars in real estate transactions. I have learned from every purchase and sell about the “art of the deal” and what it takes to accomplish my clients goals in the most efficient and cost effective manner.. I humbly consider myself an expert in real estate and I would love to help you with your next move!

When you are ready to start working with a realtor, please call or email me at your convenience!


Blake Cannon, GRI, SFR
Associate Broker
Cell: 662-380-7144
Office: 662-371-1000

Blake Cannon
Associate Broker
Office: 662-371-1000
Cannon Cleary McGraw
800 College Hill Road #5101
Oxford MS 38655

Contact Me Now
